tripBuddy for Teams

A re-imagined experience on how your employees commute to work.

Benefits to your company

  • Financial benefits

    An organized carpooling platform will save your team money by reducing demand for parking and frequency of trips to the gas station. Additionally, carpooling will lead to a decrease in your organization’s carbon footprint, which could qualify you for a substantial tax deduction.

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  • Increase Employee Productivity

    The less time your employees spend stuck in traffic, the more time they spend doing meaningful work. Carpooling can reduce the percentage of you and your team’s workday spent in transit. By reducing your commute time, you increase in-office productivity.

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  • Attract top talent

    Believe it or not, sustainability does your company with recruiting. When a potential applicant or a prospective employee sees that your organization is committed to sustainability, efficiency, and better the community, they will be more inclined to want to work for you.

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  • Comprehensive Reporting Dashboard

    Your tripBuddy HR Platform gives you the ability to assess, using real numbers and measurements, exactly how your company is benefitting from carpooling. You can see statistical proof regarding how much time and resources your team is saving by commuting together instead of individually.

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  • Reduction of CO2

    One of the biggest benefits of carpooling is that it dramatically reduces the number of cars on the road. This has a positive impact on the environment and it can dramatically decrease the size of your company’s carbon footprint. More people per car = fewer cars on the road = less CO2 pollution.

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  • Reduce Parking Needs

    Especially in an urban environment, parking is a very valuable resource. It can also be very expensive especially if everybody drives to work separately. Carpooling reduces your company’s demand for parking, which saves you money and frees up over-congested lots.

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It's simple to get started

Step 1

Call & Demo

Select the date and time that works with your schedule, and we’ll come to you! Our team will walk you through an obligation-free, in depth demonstration of how the platform works.

Step 2

Partner with tripBuddy

We collaborate with you to design a program that works for all parties involved and fits your organization’s unique set of needs.

Step 3

Launch and Awareness

Once your account has been launched, we assign your company a dedicated success manager to ensure that the implementation of our service is as easy and effective as possible.

Step 4

Monitor Growth

In addition to the logistical/practical side of things, your dedicated success manager will also be helping you to monitor and generate awareness for your program.

Why Employees Love tripBuddy

Meet other employees

Carpooling is an inherently social mode of transportation. Commuting to and from work with other people gives you time to chat, bond, and enjoy each other’s company.

Reduce commuter stress

One of the most stressful aspects of most people’s daily commute is being stuck in traffic alone. So, by increasing the number of people per car our platform reduces the number of cars on the road, therefore reducing traffic as well as commuter stress.

Time saving

Fewer cars on the road means less traffic. Less traffic means you get to work faster. Carpooling saves time, making your day more productive.

Preferential parking

Many institutions have implemented policies that give carpool drivers preferential parking, discounted parking rates, or both.

Shared travel costs

Split the cost of commuting with the people in your carpool via our in-app tipping software. Drivers save money on gas, riders contribute towards the commute.

Combat Driving Anxiety

For commuters who don’t feel comfortable driving, carpooling is a reliable way to travel to work with friends without having to operate a vehicle.

Client Testimonials

We've helped many users around the country with their commute and created a platform for them to connect and iteract with fellow team members.

  • I did not even know that someone from my company lived in my town until using tripBuddy.

    Amy Warrignton

  • I couldn't have asked for more than this. Absolutely wonderful.

    Nick Snell

  • The matching just works! I'd love to see this expanded in other places.

    Li Yu Zhou

  • Met a co-worker who is now a commute buddy!

    Leif Kurtson

  • I now save on my commute to work.

    Keith Lambert

The Platform

Comprehensive Reporting Dashboard

For Adminstrators

Mobile Application (Android, IOS)

For Employees

Ready to bring carpooling to your company?